Supporting Neutron and the Interchain

The Neutron Grants Program funds the most exciting teams in our ecosystem


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December 2, 2023

Operations and Finance Update for August 2024

Overview of the NGP's operations and finance for the month of August 2024

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December 2, 2023

Operations and Finance Update for July 2024

Overview of the NGP's operations and finance for the month of July 2024

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Frequently asked questions

Have a read below to see if one of your questions has already been answered!

How often do you approve new rounds of funding?

We aim to approve a round of funding once a month in Batches, however this is not a firm committment and there may be occasions where a funding round is approved more quickly or slowly than expected.

Do you fund retroactive grants

The Neutron Grants Program (NGP) is a strong advocate for retroactive grants! If a team takes it upon themselves to build a unique project that finds product market fit or creates a public good that gains popularity without initially receiving grant funding, NGP will happily engage with the team to reward their efforts.

What is the application timeline? When can I expect to hear back?

You should expect to hear back about the next steps in the application process within about two weeks of your initial application and we aim to give out final decisions for applications within about 4-6 weeks.

What type of project will qualify for a grant?

We have a wide mandate to fund many different kinds of projects building on Neutron — whether they be public goods, research, infrastructure, of user-facing applications. Please have a read of our Core RFPs article to see some of the ideas we are most excited about.

How will I be compensated?

We will be able to coordinate on payment of the grant once you get past the approval stage. All grantees will be paid on the Neutron blockchain and milestone-based payments are to be expected.

Can I apply as a U.S. based person/company?

US-based persons and companies can apply but, like all other applicants, they will have to undergo a KYC/AML stage if their grant application is accepted. In addition, US-based persons and companies will always be paid in USD (or stablecoin equivalents).

How do I apply?

You can apply by clicking the "Apply" link on this website which will take you to our application form.