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Tooling to Improve Neutron’s Governance

Ways to drastically improve both the voter turnout for Neutron’s governance, improve grassroots governance engagement, and create more expressive governance actions — in the form of voting vaults where NTRN holders can delegate their voting power or through other means to substantially increase both voter turnout and engagement.

Neutron Grants Program

October 23, 2023

$ 50,000.00


  • Category: Developer Tooling and Experience
  • Maximum Funding Amount: $50K
  • Accepting one or multiple proposals: Multiple
  • Submission Deadline: November 31, 2023

Ways to drastically improve both the voter turnout for Neutron’s governance, improve grassroots governance engagement, and create more expressive governance actions — in the form of voting vaults where NTRN holders can delegate their voting power or through other means to substantially increase both voter turnout and engagement.

How will this Core RFP add value to Neutron and the Interchain?

  • Healthy participation and engagement in governance is one of the most important indicators of success for a decentralized protocol. Providing user-friendly tools that can facilitate user experience around proposals can organically boost Neutron governance participation.
  • Governance proposals can represent the general direction and values of a protocol. Long term sustainability of a protocol can be attributed to the degree at which various governance discussions are welcome and information is readily available, allowing an environment for healthy growth.
  • We are looking for tooling that can help increase voter turnout. Voting vaults allow users to delegate voting power and participate in governance in a more accessible way. User interface around voting vaults can help increase participation.

What are the Criteria for this Core RFP?

  • The application must be primarily for developing governance tooling on Neutron.
  • The applicant must develop and present tooling that will help improve user experience around Neutron governance and increase voter turnout in the long run.

How will the NGP measure progress for submissions for this Core RFP?

  • The NGP will track metrics such as number of users, traffic, vote participation rate, and the extent to which the application improves the Neutron governance experience overall.

Please apply for this core RFP here.