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We have decided to award a 60277 NTRN grant to Celatone, one of the leading block explorers within the Cosmos ecosystem, to build out smart contract verification infrastructure for Neutron specifically. As we begin to see new and interesting applications and smart contracts launch on Neutron, it's important to have appropriate infrastructure that allows users to verify the smart contracts that they interact with in a robust manner — such infrastructure is common in the EVM world but has been limited outside of it.

Neutron Grants Program

April 24, 2024



We have decided to award a 60277 NTRN grant to Celatone, one of the leading block explorers within the Cosmos ecosystem, to build out smart contract verification infrastructure for Neutron specifically. As we begin to see new and interesting applications and smart contracts launch on Neutron, it's important to have appropriate infrastructure that allows users to verify the smart contracts that they interact with in a robust manner — such infrastructure is common in the EVM world but has been limited outside of it. With this grant, we aim to curate a culture of open and verifiable smart contracts on Neutron, which will only serve to promote safety in our ecosystem.


Celatone is a block explorer for Cosmos SDK chains. With its product, users and developers can easily find, deploy, and interact (query/execute) with any on-chain smart contracts.

Grant Deliverables

The deliverables are as follows:

  • Build out CosmWasm contract verification backend
  • Develop and Launch Celatone frontend contract verification feature development and maintenance
  • Develop and Launch Public API for querying contract verification data and status for any external parties to use

For Milestone 1 completion, the criteria are as follows:

  • Completion of the verification infrastructure, backend, and frontend additions to Celatone for contract verification and viewing verified contract information such that smart contracts can be verified via Celatone

For Milestone 2 completion, the criteria are as follows:

  • Complete work on the public smart contract verification API and public launch

Grant Payment Terms

  • Upfront Payment: 18,083 NTRN
  • Milestone 1 Payment: 18,083 NTRN
  • Milestone 2 Payment: 24,111 NTRN

Further information